SUPPLY 1 is the National Library of Australia's premier document supply service for documents located worldwide. 

When to use SUPPLY 1

SUPPLY 1 will obtain copies of items not available in Australia, from libraries and document supply services located overseas. This is a copy only service.

Overseas libraries can use SUPPLY1 to source Australian documents not held by the National Library.

SUPPLY 1 has direct access to a rich array of resources, including -

  • National Library of Australia's own vast resources
  • Subito - a leading European international service
  • Medline - the comprehensive medical database from the US National Library of Medicine
  • OCLC - Online Computer Library Center, Inc. There are over 6,700 libraries in 28 countries using the vast resources of the OCLC WorldCat database and the largest online ILL system
  • British Library - the largest document supply service in the world.

Types of service

1. Standard service
SUPPLY 1 does not provide a guaranteed delivery time. However, reasonable efforts will be made to obtain the documents as soon as possible. Depending on the source of supply, delivery times will vary from 2 to 14 days or longer for difficult to locate documents.

2. Copyright compliant
If your request complies with the fair dealing and library provisions of the Australian Copyright Act, 1968   we recommend that you complete a copyright declaration. This will give SUPPLY 1 the flexibility of getting the document from the quickest and most efficient source.

 If using Libraries Australia Document Delivery service: "This request complies with section 50 of the Australian Copyright Act 1968. "


All SUPPLY 1 requests must have as much detail and accurate bibliographic information as possible.

How to send a request

There are several ways of making a request to SUPPLY 1. Libraries may request by using methods listed below, please ensure your request is clearly marked as SUPPLY 1.

1. Through Libraries Australia Document Delivery Service

  • Type SUPPLY 1 prominently in the Notes field
  • Indicate the type of service, method of delivery and include a copyright declaration.
  • Add ANL to the rota

2. By registering with us to use the ILL web form

  • Send your details to register with us and obtain a user login and password from us
  • On the form requesting book or article click on the Yes radio button for SUPPLY 1. Indicate the type of service, method of delivery and copyright declaration on the form
  • Submit the form. Retain the request number for future reference. You can also check progress of all your request by logging into the web form

Method of delivery

There are a number of ways the document can be delivered to you. Delivery options are: Ariel, web delivery, email, mail, Express Post and pick up from the National Library. Some forms of delivery will attract additional charges.


SUPPLY 1 will locate and obtain documents for a predictable cost allowing you to easily manage your budget. All charges are in Australian dollars (AUD). SUPPLY 1 offers a flat rate for the supply of documents, which includes copyright charges. 

Australian libraries Neighbouring Australia libraries International libraries
$38.00 + $4.40 per every additional 25 consecutive pages or part thereof $38.00 + $4.00 per every additional 25 consecutive pages or part thereof $43.00 + $4.00 per every additional 25 consecutive pages or part thereof

All charges include GST where applicable.

In some instances a document may attract a higher fee for delivery either because of its nature or because of higher overseas copyright charges. If your request attracts a higher delivery fee, SUPPLY 1 will seek your acceptance of the price before proceeding with the request.


Libraries which have sent their request via Libraries Australia Document Delivery Service will be billed through Libraries Australia Document Delivery Payments Service.

Monthly invoices will be issued for the requests sent via the web form.

Payment may be made by cheque or credit card.

Turn-around time

Turn-around time is measured from the time of receipt of request to time of despatch. This may depend on the number of suppliers approached and how much verification is required.