Requests for information, proposals or tender distributed via the Internet are listed here, to inform not only potential vendors of products and services but also from the broader library and information community.
Annual Procurement Plan
The Annual Procurement Plan indicates potential approaches by the Library to the open market place, usually but not exclusively in the form of a Request For Tender.
Approaches to the open market
The Annual Procurement Plan is usually updated in June of each year; the Approaches to the open market list is updated whenever a Division undertakes such a procurement approach.
View current approaches to market
View previous approaches to market
List of contracts
The Library publishes a list of contracts that are valued at $100,000 (GST inclusive) or more and were entered into in the previous 12 months, or were not completed at the end of the period. We do this to meet our obligations under Senate Order No 13 (Entity Contracts).
The lists are tabled twice a year: in January–February and in July–August. The list includes the contract title, contractor, the value of the contract, the start date, the anticipated end date, the subject of each contract, as well as whether the contracts include agreements to keep something confidential.
View current reporting period
View previous reporting periods